Augie March
There’s a great Australian tradition whereby a fairly oddball band with an underground following crack through into middle Australia for a while. Augie March had that with “Moo, You Bloody Choir” and the now-classic One Crowded Hour, but even casual followers know it’s the band’s consistently remarkable five album body of work that is the true national treasure.
Brand new six-minute epic Definitive History reaffirms there is no such anything like Augie March.
Those albums – with homemade jewels like There Is No Such Place, This Train Will Be Taking No Passengers, Little Wonder, Asleep In Perfection, The Cold Acre, The Hole In Your Roof, Watch Me Disappear, Pennywhistle, Here Comes The Night, and newie After The Crack Up – have continued to make their way into discerning ears around the world, despite the band’s recent five-year hiatus.
They are a band deeply loved by those who know them; people get married to their music, people get buried to their music, kids get named after them and the characters in their songs.
It’s a joy to see Glenn, Dave, Adam, Kiernan and Edmondo’s wondrous flying machine back in the friendly skies again.
We know something extra special happens in The Sup’ when local-bands-made-good play. In Augie’s case it’s been eight long years. They’re the only repeat performers on the 24-Meredith lineup, and with good reason.
Saturday Sunset Studies.