Jen Cloher
Have you listened to In Blood Memory, Jen Cloher’s 2013 album? I did when it came out, and liked it. Here we are a year or so later and now I truly love it. It rewards repeat listens. It’s such a natural record; the lyrical content is at one with the vocal, the vocal fits hand in glove with the music, the music is created by the band in perfect, edgy sync. The songs are cool as hell; Jen Cloher is some songwriter. The themes very personal yet universal. Closer Hold My Hand moves me; makes me think about me and Uncle Doug.
Jen Cloher has a frequency that is all her own, with each song and indeed her band tuned in to the same magnetic station. We’re delighted to present her with her crackajack band in The Sup’ this year. Tune in.